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TODO complete

I created The NoteWriter to keep my notes in a safe place for a very long time. I was tired of moving my notes every time a popular application was dying and a new one was rising. I was tired of putting my notes on commercial products (and OSS products with a commercial offering is too risky as most companies rarely last decades). I was tired of using different tools for different kinds of notes (FOAM + Anki). And I had ideas for new features that were missing in my previous toolkit.

I created The NoteWriter to match my requirements, refined from many years of struggle with my note-taking workflow

The NoteWriter source code is available on GitHub. You probably should not use it as long as I am the only contributor. I didn’t publish it to attract contributors although contributions are welcome. I publish it to share my workflow to inspire others and iterate on current solutions that are too limited in my opinion.

I wanted to create the note-taking application that will reuse most of my knowledge. I can edit my notes using my favorite IDE, manage them using my terminal, and use it on all my devices without restrictions or additional subscriptions.

I wrote my notes for the long time. I need a tool to preserve them for a long time. Even OSS solutions can guarantee it. The only options was to maintain my own tool and/or rely on a tool with a true community of contributors. I didn’t found the latter.