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Notes can reference each other using wikilinks (ex: [[file#note]]).

## Note: A
Check note [[#A]].
## Note: B
Check note [[#B]].

Special attributes are also analyzed to determine the relations between notes.

  • references (type: array)
  • source (type: string)
  • inspirations (type: string)

Wikilinks inside these attributes automatically generate relations (= links in The NoteWriter Desktop).


## Note: A
`@references: _A Random Book_`
`@references: [[#B]]`
A first note.
## Note B
A second note.

The last reference is similar to:

## Note: A
A first note.
## Note: B
A second note referencing [[#A]]


# Note: A


## Note: A
`@inspiration: [[books/book-A#Quote: On Note-Taking]]`
A note.

Markdown links can include in their title was is called a Go link, that is a memorable name for a hard-to-remember URL.

The syntax must follow the convention #go/{name}.

## Note: Useful Links
* [Golang]( "#go/go") was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.
* [Go Playground]( "#go/go/playground") is useful to share snippets.

Go links can be browse directly from the terminal:

Terminal window
$ nt go go
# Open a new tab in your browser to
# Or
$ nt go go/playground

You can also use Go links (more conveniently) from The NoteWriter Desktop (no need to have a terminal open inside your notes repository).