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Output Management

The NoteWriter commands write to stdout using fmt.PrintX methods.

fmt.Printf(" %d objects changes", changesTotal)

The NoteWriter commands also log to stderr using Go log package (see internal/core/logger.go):

CurrentLogger().Debugf("Uploading blob %s...", blobRef.OID)

By default, no log messages are displayed. Use global flags to enable them:

  • --v: show all messages with a verbosity level >= info
  • --vv: show all messages with a verbosity level >= debug
  • --vvv: show all messages with a verbosity level >= trace


Terminal window
$ nt add --vvv example/
2024/01/01 12:21:41 Reading example/...
2024/01/01 12:21:41 Processing example/journal/

Commands can show progress using \r:

import (
func main() {
for i := range 10 {
fmt.Print(strings.Repeat("#", i))
fmt.Print(strings.Repeat(" ", 10-i))
fmt.Printf(" (%d%%)\r", i*10)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

When using verbose flags, log messages can break progress statuses:

## (20%)
2024/01/01 12:21:41 Reading file
##### (50%)
2024/01/01 12:21:41 Saving note in database...
######### (90%)

A solution is to redirect stderr to another terminal (or another file):

Terminal window
# Terminal B
$ tty
# Terminal A
$ nt add . 2>/dev/ttys004

The command output will continue to be displayed in the current terminal and debugging logs will flow to the second terminal.