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The NoteWriter is fundamentally a CLI to extract objects from Markdown files.

The NoteWriter Objects

When running commands like nt add, The NoteWriter parses Mardown files to extract different objects.


Each parsed file generates an object file representing the file as a YAML document.

Ex (Mardown):

- go
# Go
## Reference: Golang History
[Golang]( "#go/go") was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike,
and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.
## Flashcard: Golang Logo
What does the **Golang logo** represent?
A **gopher**.
## TODO: Conferences
* [Gophercon Europe]( `#reminder-2023-06-26`

Ex (Internal):

oid: 6347cbdd # A uniquely generated OID
relative_path: # Relative file path from the root of the repository
wikilink: go # Long wikilink (ex: [[go]] is a valid link to this file)
front_matter: null # The front matter in YAML
attributes: # The file attributes (including optional tags)
- go
body: |- # The raw body (without the Front Matter)
# Go
body_line: 6 # The line number of the first body line
mode: 420 # The UNIX file mode
size: 463 # The raw file sizze
hash: 1eba21ae87635b6b9a76ca4df89bf2931da64d42 # A SHA-1 using file content as source
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # The last modified time on FS
created_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # The file object creation time
updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # The file object modification time


Each note, independent of its kind, generates an object note representing the note as a YAML document.

Ex (Markdown):

## Reference: Golang History
[Golang]( "#go/go") was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike,
and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.

Ex (Internal):

oid: d790d08c # Unique generated OID
file_oid: 6347cbdd # OID of the file containing this note
parent_note_oid: "" # OID of the parent heading when nested under a note
kind: reference # Kind of the object
title: 'Reference: Golang History' # Raw Title without the heading character(s) "#"
short_title: Golang History # Title without the kind prefix
long_title: Golang History # Concatenation with all optional parent short titles
relative_path: # Relative path of the file containingg this note
wikilink: 'go#Reference: Golang History' # Long wikilink (ex: [[go#Reference: Golang History]] is a valid link)
attributes: # Attributes (including inherited ones)
- go
- history
title: Golang History
tags: # Tags (= special attribute named "tags")
- go
- history
line: 8 # Line number of the first line inside the file
content_raw: |- # Content as present in file
[Golang]( "#go/go") was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.
content_hash: 0eba86c8b008c0222869ef5358d48ab8241ffc8e # SHA-1 of the property content_raw
title_markdown: '# Golang History' # Short title in Markdown
title_html: <h1>Golang History</h1> # Short title in HTML
title_text: |- # Short title in plain text
Golang History
content_markdown: |- # Processed content in Markdown
[Golang]( "#go/go") was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.'
content_html: |- # Processed content in HTML
<p><a href="" title="#go/go">Golang</a> was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.</p>
content_text: |- # Processed content in plain text
Golang was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.
created_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object creation time
updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object modification time


Each note of kind flashcard generates an additional object flashcard representing the flashcard to learn as a YAML document.

Ex (Markdown):

## Flashcard: Golang Logo
What does the **Golang logo** represent?
A **gopher**.

Ex (Internal):

oid: 3c268dd8 # Unique generated OID
short_title: Golang Logo # Short title of the note
file_oid: 6347cbdd # File OID containing the note
note_oid: 3513929a # Note OID associated with this flashcard
relative_path: # Relative path to the file
tags: [go] # Tags (= special attributes "tags")
interval: 1 # Various SRS settings
front_markdown: |- # Front card in Markdown
What does the **Golang logo** represent?
back_markdown: |- # Back card in Markdown
A **gopher**.
front_html: |- # Front card in HTML
<p>What does the <strong>Golang logo</strong> represent?</p>
back_html: |- # Back card in HTML
<p>A <strong>gopher</strong>.</p>
<p><media oid="4a4faba3" alt="Logo" /></p>
front_text: |- # Front card in plain text
What does the Golang logo represent?
back_text: |- # Back card in HTML
A gopher.
created_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object creation time
updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object modification time


Each link inside note referencing a local file generates an object media representing the media file as a YAML document.

Ex (Markdown):


Ex (Internal):

oid: 840dd3bc # Unique generated OID
relative_path: medias/go.png # Relative path to root directory of the repository
kind: picture # Object kind
dangling: false # True when file is not present on disk
extension: .png # File extension
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # File last modification time on FS
hash: ef81045f57ea747457769965487ac8211a44ed32 # SHA-1 using file content as source
size: 14220 # File size in bytes
mode: 420 # UNIX file modes
blobs: # List of blobs (= optimized versions)
- oid: 6545e323 # Unique OID using file content
mime: image/avif # Mime type
attributes: {} # Optional attributes
tags: # Identify the blob type
- preview # (preview = thumbnail)
- lossy # (lossy = lossy conversion)
- oid: eb49431b
mime: image/avif
attributes: {}
- original
- lossy
created_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object creation time
updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object modification time

Each link (internal or external) that includes a Go link inside the link’s title generates an additional object link representing the special link as a YAML document.

Ex (Markdown):

[Golang]( "#go/go") was designed by Robert Greisemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2007.

Ex (Internal):

oid: 8c9d3ed # Unique generated OID
note_oid: d790d08c # Note OID containing the link definition
relative_path: # Relative path to the file containing the link
text: Golang # Link Text
url: # Link target URL
title: "" # Link title without the special syntax for the Go link
go_name: go # Name of the Go link
created_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object creation time
updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object modification time


Reminders are defined using a special tag syntax and generate additional reminder object representing the reminders as YAML document:

Ex (Markdown):

* [Gophercon Europe]( `#reminder-2023-06-26`

Ex (Internal):

oid: 9032a26e # Unique generated OID
file_oid: 6347cbdd # File OID containing this reminder
note_oid: 9d5ac892 # Note OID containing this reminder
relative_path: # Relative path to the file containing this reminder
description_raw: |- # The raw description of reminder
'[Gophercon Europe]('
description_markdown: |- # The processed description in Markdown
'[Gophercon Europe]('
description_html: |- # The processed description in HTML
<p><a href="">Gophercon Europe</a></p>
description_text: |- # The processed description in plain text
Gophercon Europe
tag: '#reminder-2023-06-26' # The tag
last_performed_at: 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z # Last time when the reminder what planned (for recurring reminder)
next_performed_at: 2023-06-26T00:00:00Z # Next time when the reminder is planned (for future reminder)
created_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object creation time
updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object modification time

The NoteWriter Database

Above objects are stored (indirectly) in the index. Ex:

Terminal window
├── .nt
│   ├── .gitignore
│   ├── config
│   ├── database.db
│   ├── index
│   ├── objects
│   │   ├── 4a
│   │   │   └── 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
│   │   ├── af
│   │   │   └── afe988e5f40e4d1181a86f522e3c1f2e6f0241e3
│   │   ├── db
│   │   │   └── dbeaba7026ce4be8aa84ee85992dc9eca31118f7
│   │   ├── e7
│   │   │   └── e7b26e89367a22b5f578532a74742e646f843e1f
│   │   └── info
│   │   └── commit-graph
│   └── refs
│   └── main
├── .ntignore
└── me.png

This section documents the format of the different files that composed the internal database.


This directory contains two kinds of objects:

  • Pack Files (a group of edited objects referenced by a single commit).
  • Blobs (the raw bytes for a single media file, the metadata are stored in the media object referencing the blob inside a commit object).

All objects (leafs such as note or pack files) and all blobs are uniquely identified by their OID, a 40-character string similar to the SHA-1 used by Git. This OID is used to spread the files into subdirectories and avoid having thousands of files directly under .nt/objects. For example, the pack file afe988e5f40e4d1181a86f522e3c1f2e6f0241e3 and the blob 6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4 will be stored like this:

└── objects
   ├── 6e
   │   └── 6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4
   └── af
     └── afe988e5f40e4d1181a86f522e3c1f2e6f0241e3

The directory objects contains an additional file .nt/objects/info/commit-graph containing the linear sequence of commits (and their pack files) applied in this repository.


Pack files are YAML objects.


oid: 4a03d1ab # A unique OID for this pack file (as present in commit-graph under the corresponding commit)
ctime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # The creation time
objects: # The list of all objects added/modified/deleted (a new pack file cannot contain more than a predefined number of objects)
- oid: d19a2bba # The object OID
kind: file # The object kind
state: added # The action introduced by this commit
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # The modification time of the action
desc: file "" [d19a2bba] # A human-readable description of the object
data: <value> # A base64-encoded representation of the object
- oid: 6ee8a962
kind: note
state: added
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
desc: 'note "Reference: Hello" [6ee8a962]'
data: <value>

Each object is self-containing through the data attribute and compressed using zlib and encoded in Base 64. You can easily retrieve the uncompressed content:

Terminal window
# On MacOS
$ brew install qpdf
$ echo "<value>" | base64 -d | zlib-flate -uncompress
oid: 6ee8a962
file_oid: d19a2bba
kind: reference
wikilink: 'hello#Reference: Hello'
content_raw: Coucou
content_hash: b70f7d0e2acef2e0fa1c6f117e3c11e0d7082232

The main motivation behind pack files is to limit the number of files on disk (and the number of files to transfer when using a remote repository).


The commit-graph file lists in a sequential order all commits that were processed in this repository. The list is useful when retrieving new objects from a remote to quickly determine the missing commits and pack files to replay.


updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Date of the last applied commit
commits: # List of commits
- oid: 4a03d1ab # - Older commit
ctime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
packfiles: #
- oid: de29102f #
ctime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
- oid: dbeaba70 # - ...
ctime: 2023-01-01T11:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T11:00:00 #
packfiles: #
- oid: ed431a12 #
ctime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
- oid: 34fa982a #
ctime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
- oid: afe988e5 # - Last commit
ctime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 #
packfiles: #
- oid: aa8765d1 #
ctime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #
mtime: 2023-01-01T10:00:00 #


The index file serves multiple purposes. It contains the staging area (= the list of objects to include in the next commit) and keeps a list of all objects to quickly locate the commit and pack file containing them.


objects: # List of all known objects in repository
# (do not include pack file objects)
- oid: d19a2bba # Object OID
kind: file # Object Kind
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00 # Object modification time
commit_oid: 4a03d1ab # Commit OID containing the last version
- oid: 6ee8a962
kind: note
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
commit_oid: 4a03d1ab
- oid: 3837a10f
kind: media
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
commit_oid: dbeaba70
orphan_blobs: []
orphan_packfiles: []
staging: # The Staging Area (= nt add)
# NB: Objects in staging area uses
# the same format as object in commit files
# (make easy to create new commit files)
- oid: d19a2bba42
kind: file
state: modified
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
desc: file "" [d19a2bba]
data: <value>
previous_commit_oid: afe988e5
previous_packfile_oid: b45ef325
- oid: 6ee8a962
kind: note
state: modified
mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
desc: 'note "Reference: Hello" [6ee8a962]'
data: <value>
previous_commit_oid: afe988e5
previous_packfile_oid: b45ef325


In the same way that Git Branches are simply aliases to commit SHA-1, references contains a commit OID.

  • .nt/refs/main is the reference for the local repository (= the last commit OID present in commit-graph)
  • .nt/refs/remote is only present when using a remote. It contains the last known commit when the remote was last checked.


In addition to raw files, The NoteWriter also comprises a SQLite database (populated using the same information as present in object files). This database is used to speed up commands but also to benefit from the full-text search support when using the desktop application.


  1. Setup a new repository

    Terminal window
    $ mkdir notes
    $ cd notes
    $ nt init

    Inspect the database:

    Terminal window
    ├── .nt
    │   ├── .gitignore
    │   └── config
    └── .ntignore

    Most files are still missing and will be populated only after adding files.

  2. Add a new note

    Terminal window
    $ nt init
    $ echo "# Reference: Hello\n\nCoucou" >
    $ nt add && nt commit
    2 objects changes, 2 insertion(s)
    create file "" [d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc]
    create note "Reference: Hello" [6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4]

    Inspect the database:

    Terminal window
    $ tree -a
    ├── .nt
    │   ├── .gitignore
    │   ├── config
    │   ├── database.db
    │   ├── index
    │   ├── objects
    │   │   ├── 4a
    │   │   │   └── 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    │   │   └── info
    │   │   └── commit-graph
    │   └── refs
    │   └── main
    ├── .ntignore

    Database files have now been created. We have a new object under objects representing the unique pack file (4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6) contained in our commit and containing the objects:

    Terminal window
    $ nt cat-file
    oid: 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    ctime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    - oid: d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc
    kind: file
    state: added
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    desc: file "" [d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc]
    data: aBc...=
    - oid: 6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4
    kind: note
    state: added
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    desc: 'note "Reference: Hello" [6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4]'
    data: eFg==

    The commit has been recording into the commit-graph:

    Terminal window
    $ cat .nt/objects/info/commit-graph
    updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    - oid: bf712c5de01642338ce2d16a37daabeb37daabeb
    ctime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    packfiles: [4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6]

    The reference main points to this commit:

    Terminal window
    $ cat .nt/refs/main

    And our index has been updated to clear the staging area:

    Terminal window
    $ cat .nt/index
    - oid: d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc
    kind: file
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    commit_oid: 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    - oid: 6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4
    kind: note
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    commit_oid: 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    orphan_blobs: []
    orphan_packfiles: []
    staging: []
  3. Edit the note to reference a new media

    Terminal window
    $ cp ~/me.png .
    $ echo "\n"'![](me.png)' >>
    $ nt add

    Check that the staging area is not empty:

    Terminal window
    $ cat .nt/index
    - oid: d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc
    kind: file
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    commit_oid: bf712c5de01642338ce2d16a37daabeb37daabeb
    packfile_oid: 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    - oid: 6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4
    kind: note
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    commit_oid: bf712c5de01642338ce2d16a37daabeb37daabeb
    packfile_oid: 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    orphan_blobs: []
    orphan_packfiles: []
    - oid: 3837a10fbc3a47c7961896febf64463b4a006c79
    kind: media
    state: added
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    desc: media me.png [3837a10fbc3a47c7961896febf64463b4a006c79]
    data: gHi...=
    previous_commit_oid: ""
    previous_packfile_oid: ""
    - oid: d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc
    kind: file
    state: modified
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    desc: file "" [d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc]
    data: AbC...=
    previous_commit_oid: "bf712c5de01642338ce2d16a37daabeb37daabeb"
    previous_packfile_oid: "4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6"
    - oid: 6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4
    kind: note
    state: modified
    mtime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    desc: 'note "Reference: Hello" [6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4]'
    data: DeF...=
    previous_commit_oid: "bf712c5de01642338ce2d16a37daabeb37daabeb"
    previous_packfile_oid: "4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6"
  4. Commit changes

    Terminal window
    $ nt commit
    3 objects changes, 1 insertion(s), 2 modification(s)
    create media me.png [3837a10fbc3a47c7961896febf64463b4a006c79]
    modify file "" [d19a2bba42d44d8a82b18b2edcd4320612a3dfbc]
    modify note "Reference: Hello" [6ee8a9620d3f4d3f9fbd159744ef85b83400b0d4]
    $ tree -a
    ├── .nt
    │   ├── .gitignore
    │   ├── config
    │   ├── database.db
    │   ├── index
    │   ├── objects
    │   │   ├── 4a
    │   │   │   └── 4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6
    │   │   ├── db
    │   │   │   └── dbeaba7026ce4be8aa84ee85992dc9eca31118f7
    │   │   ├── e7
    │   │   │   └── e7b26e89367a22b5f578532a74742e646f843e1f
    │   │   └── info
    │   │   └── commit-graph
    │   └── refs
    │   └── main
    ├── .ntignore

    The commit has been recorded:

    Terminal window
    $ cat .nt/objects/info/commit-graph
    updated_at: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    - oid: bf712c5de01642338ce2d16a37daabeb37daabeb
    ctime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    packfile: [4a03d1ab3dbe4c5d9efacd0e05e187179c5415c6]
    - oid: c34575fba9884d62b5512e2c5fbc274c5fbc274c
    ctime: 2023-01-01T12:00:00
    packfile: [dbeaba7026ce4be8aa84ee85992dc9eca31118f7]
    $ cat .nt/refs/main

That’s all. You have seen the various files in action.