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Notes can include medias (images, videos, audios) using the usual Markdown syntax.

## Reference: Me


All medias are converted using the external dependency ffmpeg:

  • Images (jpeg, png, gif, tiff, …) ➡️ avif
    • A thumbnail image is generated (useful when displaying a list of notes)
    • A medium image is generated (useful when displaying a single note)
  • Audios (wav, aac, flac, …) ➡️ mp3
    • A single audio is generated from the original file.
  • Videos (mp4, avi, …) ➡️ webm
    • A avif image is generated using the first frame.

Original files are not used directly (= not stored in .nt/objects). The applications The NoteWriter Desktop and The NoteWriter Nomad rely on optimized versions to reduce the storage and network bandwidth requirements.